Global Investors for Sustainable Development Alliance

Release of Blended Finance Best Practice Booklet: Case Studies and Lessons Learned

Oct 15, 2024

The GISD Alliance had the opportunity to contribute to the Blended Finance Best Practice Booklet: Case Studies and Lessons Learned, published by the Sustainable Markets Initiative and Investor Leadership Network. This important work was supported by the UN-Convened Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance, and the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero’s Workstream on Mobilizing Capital to Emerging Markets & Developing Economies, in addition to the GISD Alliance. 

Blended finance has emerged as a pivotal tool to mobilize the private capital required to achieve the SDGs. The case studies outlined in this report underscore the potential impact that blending private and public resources can have on achieving development outcomes across sectors. 

However, blended finance has not yet mobilized the resources envisaged, and there is a need to enhance its scale of contribution to sustainable development.  

The upcoming United Nations Fourth International Conference on Financing for Development (FfD4) to be held in Seville, Spain in 2025 offers a seminal opportunity for the global community to engage with blended finance as a tool to accelerate progress towards the SDGs. GISD’s ongoing efforts are geared towards identifying promising proposals to be presented before the FfD Conference. 

The full Blended Finance Best Practice Booklet can be found here.